#Blocktalk - Open Bazaar Install Party With Mike Wolf

The World Crypto Network Podcast show

Summary: This show on our YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/QKXaYxh3Csw Shownotes: =================================================== Mike Wolf from OpenBazaar will be joining us in person on Friday May, 20th for a presentation on OpenBazaar and its implications for the future. After recently receiving several Blockchain awards, OpenBazaar is poised to make major inroads in the crypto space as well as disrupting traditional frameworks of online commerce. Bring your questions and ideas. We’ll be doing a live install and setting up a Open Bazaar Store, so feel free to bring something to sell. To the moon!! Follow Us on twitter @block_talk ****Support the show and the space**** 1BBbZ6KBEnj6i1beASHm8r4Stpd5V81Mbj 0xf361dd41a66e62b52c36f847bede1cb11afa36­­­­ad ****Our Sponsors**** Sarcoin - http://www.sarcoin.com Deploying currency locally in spain with bitcoin debit cards HostedBazaar is a hosting service for OpenBazaar stores who want to reliably keep their own node online 24/7 without the worry of upkeep or maintenance. For more information on HostedBazaar, please visit HostedBazaar.com