05: Cory Heimann - On Becoming Proud to Be an Artist

Podcast - Catholic Creatives show

Summary: Many of us creative artists grew up afraid of the artist label because a stigma that seemed to come with it. We were often told that being an artist was a surest way to end up "flipping burgers." In this podcast episode, Anthony D'Ambrosio interviews Cory Heimann, owner of Likeable Art, on how he became proud of his artistic vocation, and how his experiences of faith impacted value he has placed on art and beauty. He also talks about his hopeful vision for the future. Cory is a prolific filmmaker that has been pushing the boundaries of excellence in Catholic media for a few years now. The conversation was wide ranging-- at moments deeply spiritual, and at others eminently practical. Recommended Resources: Hey Whipple Squeeze This Fit Bit Knockoffs