13120 Leopold vs. Wolfgang: The 4 Symphonies in D

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Summary: We have an escalating problem in the Mozart household and I will explain the problem to you. First, we have Leopold Mozart. Leopold has been dragging the Mozart family all over Europe for many years, showing the world what a marvelous teacher he is. His children, instructed under the Mozart technique, are all wonderful musicians, even at such a young age of 6 to 8 years old. Their understanding and ability to perform music eclipses that of most adults. The Mozart family concerts are continually sold out and they are requested to perform for Kings, Queens, Emperors and Empresses all over the known world. It is widely known that the Mozart children simply regurgitate what Leopold has taught them all to the complete astonishment of everyone in Europe and Asia. However, as the abilities of young Wolfgang increases, it becomes more and more difficult for Leopold to maintain the façade that he is the master and that Wolfgang is only the lowly student that relies solely on his father’s superior knowledge of music. Secondly, we have Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a truly gifted musician who is unquestionably the greatest composer the world will ever see. Young Mozart may need some initial guidance by his father and other composers, but soon his compositions eclipses every composer of his day and for generations to come. Now to the matter at hand, the 4 Symphonies in D. These are also known as Symphonies 44, 47, 45 and 11. All 4 symphonies were composed in Italy in the Italian style and they were composed in April of 1770 during the Mozart family’s musical tour of Italy. Wolfgang is 14 years old now and is beginning to test the dominating grip of his father Leopold. Young Mozart has already composed a few operas, piano concertos and several symphonies. Not to mention the many church works for the archbishop of Salzburg and everything has been met with great success. The pressure is on Leopold to show that, he being the master teacher, is a far better composer than his young son. However, this image is beginning to wear thin and even Europe’s nobility is beginning to realize that young Mozart might be a truly gifted musician all on his own and not a great musician because of his father Leopold’s instructional capabilities. The Symphonies in D thus continues a mild war between father and son. Wolfgang’s compositional skills are already far superior to Leopold’s, however Leopold must continue to prove that he is the superior musician even if this means taking credit for his son’s compositions. While Leopold took credit for the 4 symphonies in D, this continues to be questioned today by music historians. Some musicologists may say that Symphony 44 is full of youthful charm and inventiveness and must be composed by Wolfgang, however others say of the same symphony that it is contrived and archaic and must have been composed by Leopold. Thus, the debate continues to this very day. So, dear listener, we will play for you all 4 symphonies and we will let you decide if the symphony was written by the 14-year-old Wolfgang, or by his Father Leopold. We will play the 4 symphonies in order of composition. Order now at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p339/Leopold_vs._Wolfgang%3A_The_4_Symphonies_in_D.html