#356: Of Mice and Yetis

The Bitterest Pill: The Dan Klass Monologues show

Summary: <br> I discuss applying to college, <a href="http://www.bluemic.com/products/yeti/">Yetis</a>, getting what you pay for (podcasting education wise), and mouse droppings.<br> Why would a rodent want to eat the wheels off our luggage? I have no idea…<br> I’ll be teaching my college level, credit bearing PODCASTING COURSE at UCLA EXTENSION this Spring Quarter. If you want to learn from someone who knows which part of the microphone to talk into, you can sign up at the <a href="http://www.uclaextension.com">UCLA Extension web site</a>.<a href="http://www.bluemic.com/products/yeti/" target="_blank"></a><br> If you wanna learn podcasting for free, you’ll have to either wait for me to finish up the free videos I’m producing right now, or you can just go check out Dave Jackson’s <a href="http://schoolofpodcasting.com">School of Podcasting</a> and <a href="http://www.paulcolligan.com">Paul Colligan’s site</a>. Any questions, let me know…<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>