Fair Work Commission cuts Sunday penalties for some workers

Mandarin show

Summary: Labor and the trade union movement are accusing the federal government of failing to stand up for workers, after the Fair Work Commission decided to cut weekend penalty rates for hospitality, retail and fast-food workers.   The Com... (澳洲公平工作委员会Fair Work 宣布下调零售业、餐饮业、快餐业和药剂行业员工在周日和公众假期的加班费。工党和工会批评政府在关键时候没有为工人挺身而出,呼吁政府采取更多行动,让全国工资最低的工人不受冲击。工会甚至呼吁总理亲自介入干预。而支持周日加班费下调的人则认为,工资负担的减轻,能够让商店在周日开门时间更长,雇佣员工更多。请听记者吴音的报道。  )