Traditional Chinese papercut art meets Melbourne street art

Mandarin show

Summary: What will happen when the traditional Chinese papercut art encounters the contemporary Melbourne street art? Bluestonia Paperhood is an Australian-Chinese art exchange program which brings the papercut art of Jiangsu, China to the streets of Melbo... (当中国的传统剪纸艺术遇到西方的现代街头艺术会擦出怎样的火花呢?Bluestonia Paperhood这个澳中艺术交流项目把中国江苏的剪纸艺术带到了澳大利亚墨尔本的街头。从本周五开始,由中国剪纸艺术家周冰和澳洲艺术家Philip Faulks共同创作的大型剪纸作品将在墨尔本市区的Swanston St和Brunswick的Jewell Station附近展出。林沫请剪纸艺术家周冰和活动筹划人黄子轩说说这次的文化交流活动和中国传统的剪纸艺术。  )