Hand gestures mean different things in different countries

Mandarin show

Summary: A V-gesture used when taking photos may express the feelings of happiness or victory, but a reversed V-gesture (palms facing inward V-shaped gestures) has a rude meaning in some places. Many of the everyday hand gestures, such as OK or thumbs up, ... (照相时人们喜欢比出V字手势来表示胜利或是开心的意思,但是反V手势(手心向内的V字手势)在一些地方却有着不礼貌的含义。很多我们常用的手势,比如OK或竖起大拇指等,在某些国家和地区所代表的意思也有所不同。请听特约记者Lina的介绍。  )