Hot topic on Oursteps: Retirement issues that migrated parents are facing

Mandarin show

Summary: How do migrated parents live a better life in Australia? Recently a subscriber on one of the popular Chinese websites in Australia Oursteps shared the nursing problems his aging parents are facing. This topic has aroused heated debate on the websi... (移民父母如何更好地在澳洲安度晚年?最近新足迹网站上的一位网友分享了自己80多岁的父母遇到的养老难题。这一话题引起了网友们的热烈讨论:和父母保持一碗汤的距离是否是对彼此都更好的选择,还是应该无条件地和父母住在一起为他们养老送终,又或是可以提前计划退休生活寻求澳洲政府提供的养老服务。。。?新足迹热点关注阿丝分享网友们的看法。  )