Settle For Moore

Random Ramblings w/Rob show

Summary: <br> Joining me is podcast newcomer <a href="">Jon Moore</a> of the 'Settle For Moore" podcast. We talk about is new journey down the road of podcasting &amp; other "RANDOM" stuff. Also there is **BONUS CONTENT** brought to you by <a href="">Sabrina Fallah</a> off her EP "<a href="">Kiss is a Killer</a>"<br> FOLLOW HIM!!<br> Jon Moore<br> Twitter: <a href="">@SettleForMoore</a><br> CALL THE SHOW! Leave a "RANDOM' voicemail<br> 304 TALK ROB<br> (<a href="">304 825-5762</a>)<br> Contribute Receive rewards <a href=""></a>or<br> WEBSITE: <a href=""></a><br> Support the show! Buy a shirt or Donate on the website<br> <a href="">Subscribe</a> to the podcast &amp; "<a href="">Like</a>" us on Facebook Page<br> Also follow the show on Twitter <a href="">@RRR_Podcast</a> or <a href="">@ItsBRob</a><br> INSTAGRAM: <a href="">@RandomRamblingsW_Rob</a><br> <a href="">#WalmartLog</a><br> THANKS FOR LISTENING <a href=";type=C211US0D20151206&amp;p=%23RRRpc">#RRRpc</a><br>