Smallelk Sacred Energy - Power Animal Meditation: Cat and Love of Self

      IntuiTalks Network Broadcasts

Summary: <p>Power Animal Meditations – by Nicki Scully</p> <p>This meditation series is from the book “Power Animal Meditations” by Nicki Scully. There are a few meditations at the beginning of the series that cannot be missed as you use them again with the rest of the meditations in the series. So if you don’t attend from the beginning, you would need to listen to the recordings to catch up instead of jumping in weeks later, as you won’t be able to follow the instruc<span>tions.</span></p> <p>The meditations will be held each Saturday morning @ 9am EST  They will be recorded so those that cannot make this time can listen to the recordings. </p> <p>Hope to see you there!</p> <p><span><span></span></span></p>