3 Points of Light - Jacqueline Mitchell

      IntuiTalks Network Broadcasts

Summary: <p>A little bit about our guest Jacqueline Mitchell</p> <p>For the whole of her life, there was awareness that we were more than just a physical being journeying through our lives. That the essence of us was underestimated, the value of the journey here amazing, wonderful and incredibly valuable. It has been a journey of self discovery working in companionship with loving Guides, Teachers, Loved ones in Spirit, and the Higher Self.</p> <p>Jacqueline works full time as a Teacher, Medium, and Counsellor. She believe that we are all unique, amazing and we use a small percentage of our Gifts. Jacqueline believes it is our right to be all we can be, through our Spiritual and Intuitive being in conjunction with the physical experience, and when Spirit asked her to do this work, she agreed for the simple reason that we forgot who we are, how amazing we are, and how much we are truly helped from the Other Side. Helping people to know how loved they are, how supported they are on their journey and helping them to understand themselves and love themselves is part of my journey.</p> <p>Jacqueline has the ability to see auras around people, showing ailments and causes of ailments, old hurts and connections to lives lived before. She can see the child within and the inner light of you, and can show you how truly beautiful you are with understanding and compassion. Jacqueline works in conjunction with Spirit and loved ones in spirit to pass on re-connection messages, but also guidance within their loving light which touches our world beyond our comprehension as they are ever only a thought away.</p> <p><span><span>http://angelmeadows.intuitalks.com/my-show/</span></span></p>