Episode 98 part 2: Best Films of 2016 - The TAP Awards

The Third Act Podcast show

Summary: For part 2 of our discussion on the best films of 2016 we get a bit weirder. We have given out fake awards to films and actors in the past but this year we decided to officially title this segment The TAP Awards. We don't award the best cinematography or animated short. Instead we come up with our own categories like- Dance Scene of the Year, Boner of the Year, and the I Don't Know What Any of It Meant But I Loved Every Minute of It award. After we get that out of our system we spend the last few minutes of our 2016 discussion highlighting the moments in film last year that have stuck with us the most. Feel free to argue with our picks or share your own lists. You can keep up with us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/TheThird Act Podcast and Twitter: @TheThirdActPodcast and email us anytime at: TheThirdActPodcast@gmail.com