FoC 021: Mad Men and the Meaning of Love with Kathryn from “Through A Glass Brightly”

The Fountains of Carrots Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br>  <br>  <br> We’re going deep into one of our favourite tv shows, Mad Men,  today with the brilliant and lovely Kathryn of the blog <a href="" target="_blank">Through A Glass Brightly</a>.  We discuss Don’s search for real love and intimacy, how the show exemplifies humanity’s quest for fulfilment, and the ways in which St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is present in the lives of the characters. So pour yourself a martini and join us!<br> Discussed in this episode:<br> Kathryn’s post on Brideshead Revisited: <a href="">Finding Home in a Fierce Little Human Tragedy </a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Love Among the Ruins in “Mad Men”</a> by Katie Summa<br> Christy’s <a href="" target="_blank">Mad Men episode recaps</a> of season seven.<br> You can read Kathryn’s writing about other great movies, tv shows, and books at her blog <a href="" target="_blank">Through A Glass Brightly</a>. She is also the creator behind the blog <a href="" target="_blank">Love Among The Ruins</a>, a collaborative blog exploring St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body in unexpected places in culture, art, and movies.<br>  <br> You can listen to us on <a href=";ign-mpt=uo%3D4">iTunes</a>, and we’d love a quick rating or review. If you have an android device we’re also on <a href=";refid=stpr">Stitcher</a>. And as always, you can find all links, show notes, upcoming guests, and listen to all episodes at <a href="">Fountains of</a>.<br>