FoC 055: Why We Love Flannery O’Connor And You Should Too

The Fountains of Carrots Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <a href=""></a><br> We’ve had several questions lately about 20th century Catholic writer, Flannery O’Connor in <a href="">the Facebook group</a>. And since we share a deep and enduring love for Flannery, it wasn’t hard to convince us that she deserved her very own episode.<br> In this conversation we discussed why we love Flannery, tips for where to start if you’re unfamiliar with her works, some typical reactions when reading her for the first time,  why she inspires us so, and whether we think there’s any chance she’ll ever become St. Flannery of Milledgeville.<br> So grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of sweet tea if you want to really dive deep into Flannery’s world) and enjoy!<br> Books we talked about in this episode:<br> <a href=";qid=1479178267&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=flannery+o'connor&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=0c164d6d2c3276e4912e446054d94fbe" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories</a> by Flannery O’Connor<br> <a href=";qid=1479178915&amp;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=everything+that+rises+must+converge+book&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=5bbfd677295c63b6e94be4ba3c71c0b8" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">Everything That Rises Must Converge</a> by Flannery O’Connor<br> <a href=";qid=1479178267&amp;sr=8-8&amp;keywords=flannery+o'connor&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=58b0bbefe4fb19c8385c448bad011404" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">The Violent Bear It Away</a> by Flannery O’Connor<br> <a href=";qid=1479178267&amp;sr=8-5&amp;keywords=flannery+o'connor&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=d10ae64ba62d723babe12ca64b5ee8dc" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">Wise Blood</a> by Flannery O’Connor<br> <a href=";qid=1479178267&amp;sr=8-9&amp;keywords=flannery+o'connor&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=6d52ab40724d20b518408ce9bb98f604" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">The Habit of Being</a>: Letters of Flannery O’Connor<br> <a href=";qid=1479178415&amp;sr=8-1&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=fountainsofcarrots-20&amp;linkId=76f1fc9b807a6fbd3a06cca2999153cd" target="_blank"></a><br> <a href="">Flannery O’Connor and the Christ-Haunted South</a> by Ralph Wood<br> The article that mentions the Flannery documentary film: <a href="">Flannery O’Connor’s Genius and Grace</a>: William Doino, Jr. for First Things<br> Haley’s post, <a href="">10 Things I Love About Flannery O’Connor</a><br> Christy’s post, <a href="">Will We Read Blogs in 50 Years Like We Read Flannery O’Connor’s Letters</a><br> Christy’s post,<a href=""></a>