ep19 – North Left Coast

American Layers show

Summary: Martha Kay is one of my instagram friends out of Vancouver, Canada. She blogs and posts instagram photos under the name North Left Coast.  Her fasion style is usually somewhere between Preppy and Hipster, but she's not limited to either of the two. She executes a lot of classic looks and her photos are bright with interesting focal points. I'm a big fan of hers, so it made sense to have her on the show.<br> Martha starts by giving a vivid description of beautiful British Columbia. Then we go on to discuss fashion, thrifting, and what she has planned for her blog. Martha shares how the late princess Diana inspired her to keep it classy, and talks about a touching nursing assignment she worked in Haiti.<br> If you aren't following Martha Kay, you should be. Her contribution to the world of preppy style is valuable.  Follow her on instagram at <a href="https://www.instagram.com/northleftcoast/">@northleftcoast </a>and read the blog at <a href="http://northleftcoastblog.com/">northleftcoastblog.com</a>.<br>