#3 Arne Rubinstein: Doctor, counsellor, mentor

Dumbo Feather Podcast show

Summary: How do we help raise our boys and girls to become responsible, motivated and resilient men and women? Dr Arne Rubinstein shares practical advice for helping teenagers develop healthy adult behaviour. This episode includes questions from the audience, and at some points can become a little hard to hear. We’re working on improving our recording techniques—thanks for bearing with us! This podcast is supported by our friends at Bank Australia. Find out more: Arne's website: http://doctorarne.com/ Arnold van Gennep and his book, The Rites of Passage: https://books.google.com.au/books/about/The_Rites_of_Passage.html?id=kJpkBH7mB7oC Liminality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminality Creativity and the Liminal Space: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-creativity-cure/201306/creativity-and-the-liminal-space