The Confident Mom Podcast  show

Summary: <br> <br>  WHAT MOMS DON'T TALK ABOUT<br> EPISODE #002<br> <br> “Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect. For what has happened? A miracle. You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything.” <br> ~ William Macneile Dixon<br> <a href="http://www.trishblackwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/001.-copy.jpg"></a><br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> WHAT MOMS DON’T TALK ABOUT ENOUGH / WHAT I WISH PEOPLE HAD REALLY TOLD ME BEFORE BECOMING A MOM<br>  <br> <br> * The first six weeks of a baby’s life are hard. Not just a little hard, a lot hard.<br> * You will cry a lot. And then you will feel bad for crying.<br> * Everyone will have an opinion of your parenting style and decisions.<br> * There are way too many blogs and opinions out there – don’t get bogged down by them<br> * Living in fear is the best way to be a watered down momma<br> <br>  <br> WHAT WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MORE … NO, NOT JUST TALK ABOUT, CELEBRATE: <br>  <br> <br> * We need to celebrate our mom-bods [Story about my C-section scar]<br> * We need to celebrate one another more.<br> * We need to celebrate camaraderie (trust one another with emotions, with fears, with our exhaustion, etc.)<br> * We need to celebrate the help of others (accept help and refuse to pretend that you have it all together / are juggling it all)<br> * We need to celebrate ourselves are ourselves – not just as moms (stay engaged in a hobby completely separate from our children)<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> BE A CONFIDENT MOM IN YOUR BOD: <br>  <br> <br> Get instant access to your own copy of my free eBook, The 77 Secrets of Hot Moms at <a href="http://www.trishblackwell.com/77">www.trishblackwell.com/77</a> and find out exactly how I lost all of my baby weight in eight weeks, as well as other secrets I have compiled from hot and confident moms I have worked with over the past ten years. Get your copy now at www.trishblackwell.com/77<br> <br>  <br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br>  <br> <br> * Want more confidence and inspiration in your life? Make sure you come like my Facebook Fan page at <a href="http://www.facebook.com/trishblackwellfitness">facebook.com/trishblackwellfitness</a> and go check out my other top-ranked podcast show, Confidence on the Go at <a href="http://www.trishblackwell.com/podcasts">www.trishblackwell.com/podcasts</a><br> * Tell someone else about this show!<br> * Excited about this new show? Help me know that by writing a review in iTunes. I promise I personally read each review and that reviews are like little love letters to me.<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> Now go out there and be more of who you are, be you, be free, be the confident mom that you are meant to be.<br> Email - trish at trishblackwell.com<br> Contact on my website - www.trishblackwell.com<br> Twitter - @trainerTRISH<br> Facebook - www.facebook.com/trishblackwellfitness<br> Instagram – @traintrishtrain