Denise Griffitts Interviews Susan Baroncini-Moe

Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success™ Radio! show

Summary:   Known as “The Micro-Entrepreneur’s Mentor,” Susan Baroncini-Moe has been mentoring entrepreneurs and small business owners for over fifteen years. A veteran of the web industry, Susan has leveraged her unique fusion of business and technological knowledge, her experience in the personal growth industry, and her incredible brainstorming capabilities to transform businesses around the globe. Specializing in working with micro-entrepreneurs (a word she coined to refer to businesses owned and operated by one or two people) in the service industry, Susan works with clients on four continents and is a sought-after trainer, business and marketing consultant, and public speaker. She holds a Master’s degree in social psychology, was trained by Nightingale-Conant, and is a certified practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming. She has read over 1,500 books on business, entrepreneurship, marketing, branding, sales, personal growth, creative thinking, and peak performance. She has started successful businesses in both the profit and non-profit sectors, and has worked in academia and corporations. She has interviewed some of the most successful entrepreneurs, bestselling authors, and experts for her podcast, Business in Blue Jeans Radio, and has self-published three books and has been a featured contributor in two books. Susan’s first entrepreneurial venture was a grape Kool-Aid stand in her front lawn (because everyone else was doing lemonade) when she was six. As a teenager, she ran a nannying and lawn care empire in her neighborhood. Because of how she has structured her businesses, she has traveled the globe and has tried over 100 hobbies and pasttime.