#40: Everything You Wanted to Know about Donor Conception with Alice Ruby

LezBeMommies Radio | Lesbian Parenting show

Summary: As lesbians, the way we conceive, typically, is through donor conception, and donor conception is whole new paradigm for most of us.  There are many intricacies, details and lots of new information to learn. How do sperm banks work?  How selective are they with the guys that may be the future biological father of your child? What kind of background study do they do on these guys? How extensively do they test for disease or genetic conditions? How many biological siblings might your child have out in the world?  How do they handle future contact with the donor? How do you talk to your child about donor conception? What are the chances your child is going to want to contact their donor?  Alice Ruby, executive director The Sperm Bank of California (TSBC) is on the show to answer these questions and more.  TSBC was the first sperm bank in the country to serve lesbians and other unmarried women.  As the only non-profit sperm bank in the country, TSBC does immense amounts of research the outcomes and implications of donor conception for parents, donor-conceived individuals, and donors. TSBC offers tons of resources on their site for lesbian parents looking to conceive.  Find out why TSBC may be a great option for your choice in sperm banks. Find out more about The Sperm Bank of California at https://www.thespermbankofca.org/. Find LezBeMommies Radio online at http://www.lezbemommies.com/.  Follow me on Twitter @LezBeMomsRadio.