RC #32: BSG Finale; Did Watchmen kill comic films?

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Summary: While many of us loved Watchmen, it didn't do all that great at the box office. Sure, it was R-rated, non-mainstream, and very long. Still, a 67% drop-off in its second week isn't exactly anything to brag about. Warner Bros. has already stated they won't do any more R-rated superhero films, nor any R-rated tentpole blockbusters. Will other studios follow suit? Did Watchmen do more harm than good? One of the biggest sci-fi television shows in recent years has finally come to a close. While it had its ups and downs, Battlestar Galactica was a powerful show on many levels. Did its finale do the show justice? Nathan (LostChatter) and Morgan (MovieChatter) join Erik and Andrew this week to discuss the finale. And, surprisingly, Ned sticks around to decide whether to continue catching up with the show, basing his final decision on our finale discussion. And don't worry, we provide plenty of warnings before we start spoiling anything.