6 Limiting Beliefs That Are Killing Your Creativity And What You Can Do About It S12 Ep35

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: Limiting beliefs are those that constrain you in some way. Just by believing them, we do not think, do or say things because this limiting belief inhibits us.<br> Our limiting beliefs originate from self doubts that then become “rules” we apply to our everday activities. In extreme cases, limiting beliefs can sabatoge our hapiness, our family and our careers.<br> In this weeks show, we take a look at limiting beliefs and how they are killing your creativity – and what you can do about it.<br> 6 Most Common Limiting Beliefs<br> <br> * “I can't be myself or I'll be judged”<br> <br> * It is not your job to make everyone in life like you<br> * Be yourself. You are unique and there will be no one like you.<br> <br> <br> * “I can't ask for what I want because <a href="http://philmckinney.com/tips-for-dealing-with-rejection/" target="_blank">I might get rejected</a>“<br> <br> * Rejection is part of life<br> * To move forward with your ideas, you need to ask which will risk rejection. No is not deadly.<br> <br> <br> * “I can't trust people because they might betray my trust”<br> <br> * Life is too short to not trust anyone<br> * Without trust, you cannot succeed<br> <br> <br> * “I can't persue my dreams because <a href="http://philmckinney.com/is-fear-of-failure-killing-your-creativity-and-hindering-your-success/" target="_blank">I might fail</a>“<br> <br> * Do NOT let FEAR hold you back<br> * FEAR = False Evidence that Appears Real<br> * Its your dreams. The only thing holding you back is yourself.<br> <br> <br> * “I don't need to be successful so I'm not going to strive for success”<br> <br> * Do not fall into the “self intellect” trap<br> * You succeed because you can<br> * With success, you can help others to succeed<br> <br> <br> * “It's too late to <a href="http://killerinnovations.com/july-5th/" target="_blank">pursue my dreams</a>“<br> <br> * It is NEVER too late to pursue your dreams.<br> * Sanders start KFC at the age of 74. What's your excuse.<br> <br> <br> <br> 4 Ways to Get Around Your Limiting Beliefs<br> <br> * Start by writing down your limiting belief<br> * Acknowledge that these are beliefs and NOT truths<br> * Get over the fear and try a different belief<br> * Act on these different beliefs<br> <br>  <br> Additional Resources:<br> <br> * <a href="http://philmckinney.com/is-fear-of-failure-killing-your-creativity-and-hindering-your-success/" target="_blank">Is the fear of failure killing your creativity and hindering your success?</a><br> * <a href="http://philmckinney.com/tips-for-dealing-with-rejection/" target="_blank">8 Tips for Dealing with Rejection</a><br> * <a href="http://killerinnovations.com/july-5th/" target="_blank">Yes – You Were Born To Innovate Something Great</a><br> <br>