WTFFF 339: 3D Print STEAM Building with Victor Ciccarelli of STEAM Maker Workshop REPLAY

WTFFF?! 3D Printing Podcast: 3D Print Tips | 3D Print Tools | 3D Start Point show

Summary: <br> Filling a needs gap is a great business building process and Victor Ciccarelli of STEAM Maker Workshop knows by personal experience. His mission isn't solely focused on teaching how to use a 3D printer, but rather it's about teaching others to be creative in cross-functional interdisciplinary ways. We are inspired by how he stumbled into this business accidentally but made it his passion to instill in students the power and potential that 3D printing has to create anything they can design. To see the transcript for this podcast head over to our past post <a href="">here</a>.<br> <br> <br> To send us a message, go to <a href=""></a> or shoot us a message at or on our <a href="">facebook </a>or <a href="">twitter</a>! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!<br>