Episode 32 Merry Happy Winter KwahaunnzaChristmasakuh Festivus - Secular Yakking With Robert and Amy

Secular Yakking show

Summary: In this episode we talk about something stupid Sarah Palin, again and a student is suing a Florida school district for not teaching evolution.  We also ask what a SC representative is doing to limit access to Viagra and why congress is "saving Christmas.A Humanist takes his oath as Mayor and  Kentucky homeless shelter go male only because the Bible.  Then we go back to Florida to talk about the Pledge.And of course our new Potter award.The Q PodcastOur New Twitter Followers:Johnny CavaHear My Voice StoketheFire Allied Atheists TheRealSleepSkeeMarQuis TrillApostolisF Jordet Byte Size Atheist AtheistHumanNew Patrons:  Atheism 101Help Support the show and get early access to new episodes. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Secular Outreach networkSecular Yakking is a proud member of the Secular Outreach Network.SON is a group of skeptical, secular and humanist content creators collaborating with the goal of creating high quality entertainment — and just maybe — to do some good along the way.Find out more about SON and the other shows that make up the network at SecularOutreach.com