Episode Five: Handling the Holiday Craziness

What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood show

Summary: <a href="http://www.whatfreshhellpodcast.com/2016/12/handlingtheholidaycraziness/handling-the-holiday-craziness/" rel="attachment wp-att-117"></a>Each December 25th, most moms look at a living room full of scattered wrapping paper and vow to do less next year. Then Black Friday rolls around. But can you really downshift on how much Santa brings once a baseline has been established?<br> This week Amy and Margaret talk about managing the holiday craziness. (Disclaimer: for both of us, that does mean Christmas, although we feel the pain of the Hanukkah Harriets out there, we really do).<br> Here’s some of what’s discussed in this episode:<br> <br> * how to get your kids more involved in holiday preparations— at any age<br> * the very appealing <a href="http://momastery.com/blog/2013/11/25/keep-simple-sisters/">“three kings, three gifts” rule </a><br> * how to carefully consider any new holiday “traditions” before instating them (we’re looking at you, Elf on the Shelf)<br> * how the Laws of Holiday Attrition can work in your favor<br> * how Amy uses <a href="http://allrecipes.com/recipe/11376/saltine-toffee-cookies/">this cookie recipe</a> every December and it’s easy and amazing<br> * what to do when your spouse <a href="http://www.whendidigetlikethis.com/2009/12/only-364-days-left.html">gives you a Pajamagram</a><br> <br> And here’s some enjoyable holiday reading to accompany your (spiked, we hope) eggnog:<br> a <a href="http://www.gooddayregularpeople.com/2016/12/dear-child-youd-like-christmas.html">Christmas countdown calendar</a> from “Good Day, Regular People” offering children helpful daily hints like “Practice saying this: ‘Happy Christmas morning, most beautiful of mothers!'”<br> from Victoria Fedden, <a href="http://www.victoriafedden.com/widelawns/2015/12/2/christmas-in-the-70s-vs-christmas-today">Christmas in the 70s vs Christmas Today </a><br> from Amanda Morin at understood.org, the <a href="https://www.understood.org/en/community-events/blogs/my-parent-journey/2015/12/01/want-need-wear-read-the-holiday-gift-strategy-that-work-for-my-kids">“Want, Need, Wear, Read” strategy</a> to manage kids’ Christmas lists<br> from Sarah Zadok, on <a href="http://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/449706/jewish/Is-Giving-Chanukah-Presents-a-Non-Jewish-Custom.htm">Chanukah</a>: why “the act of giving speaks louder than the gift itself”<br> How do you handle the holiday craziness at your house? Have you successfully shrunk your to-do list to a manageable level? Tell us how!<br>  <br> <br> <a title="Episode Five: Handling the Holiday Craziness" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.whatfreshhellpodcast.com/2016/12/handlingtheholidaycraziness/"></a><br> <a title="Episode Five: Handling the Holiday Craziness" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=http://www.whatfreshhellpodcast.com/2016/12/handlingtheholidaycraziness/"></a><br>