#33 5 Steps to a Healthier Life [Podcast]

Retirement Answer Man Show show

Summary: Not living a healthier life can be costly as you age. USA Today <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2014/09/12/health-care-costs-retirement/15348233/" target="_blank">recently reported</a> that the top retirement concern for people over age 50 is healthcare costs. In fact growing older and being unhealthy can be financially disastrous. It just makes sense, to take a proactive approach to investing in your health.<br> INVEST WISELY: 5 Steps to a Healthier Life with Corbin Links<br> Corbin Links not only talks the talk, he has walked the walk. His 12-year journey to living a healthy lifestyle <a href="http://rogerwhitney.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/corbin-cover-photo-e1410441981772-219x300.png"></a>included tons of research on nutrition slowly creating healthier habits that helped him lose over 80 lbs. Today, his is a walking encyclopedia of health and nutrition.<br> In this episode we explore (in detail)  his 5 steps to living a healthier life. We discuss:<br> <br> * How to approach your journey to living healthier<br> * Why it’s important to get out in front of your health issues<br> * How to simply evaluate your current health condition (beyond physical fitness)<br> * The value of making small incremental changes<br> * His 5 steps to living healthier today (and the science behind it)<br> <br> * Mineralized water<br> * Green juice<br> * Sleep<br> * Probiotics<br> * Magnesium<br> <br> <br> <br> How to learn more:<br> <br> * Corbin’s <a href="http://corbinlinks.com/category/podcasts" target="_blank">Podcast</a><br> * His book <a href="http://corbinlinks.com/up-your-health-game" target="_blank">Up Your Health Game</a><br> <br> PLAN WELL:   How does working affect Social Security Survivor Benefits?<br> Last week a listener e-mailed me this question.<br> Here are the facts about Social Security Survivor Benefits that we discuss in this episode:<br> <br> The Social Security Administration’s <a href="http://www.ssa.gov/survivorplan/onyourown2.htm" target="_blank">resource on the topic</a>.<br> If you are under Full Retirement Age (FRA) and receive a survivor benefit it can be reduced based on the income you earn. Here <a href="http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10003.pdf" target="_blank">is the current table</a>.<br> Once you reach FRA, your survivor benefit will not be reduced.<br> A spouse survivor can receive 100% of the worker’s benefit at Full Retirement Age (FRA).<br> If you are 60 or over but under FRA, you’ll receive between 77-99% of the benefit.<br> A surviving spouse of any age with children 16 or under can receive 75% of the worker’s benefit.<br> <br> Question: What steps are you taking to invest in your health?<br> <a class="twitter-mention-button" href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=roger_whitney">Tweet to @roger_whitney</a><br> [spoiler]<br> The Retirement Answer Man Episode #33<br>  <br> Well, welcome! This is Roger Whitney. I am the Retirement Answer Man and this is the show dedicated to helping you live well today without sacrificing your tomorrow, and I think that’s a balance we’re all trying to achieve. Each week, I bring a Plan Well and Invest Wisely segment to help you make smarter financial decisions in your life.<br>  <br> Today, we’re going to talk about, well, in our Plan Well segment, we’re going to answer a listener question. I received a question about widow benefits, or widower benefits, on Social Security and what happens if you work. Are those benefits affected? So, I’m going to answer that question.<br>  <br> And then, in our Invest Wisely segment, I talk with Corbin Links at corbinlinks.com. Now, Corbin and I have gotten to know each other over the last six or seven months or so. Corbin is a really interesting guy. He’s an IT guy, a very deep thinker.