#41 3 Habits to Help You Make Smart Money Choices [Podcast]

Retirement Answer Man Show show

Summary: You’d think that with all the great information and tools available today that making smart money choices would be easy. The fact is, it’s harder than ever before. We live in a world designed to get us to “buy now” or “avoid that.” These messages are designed by savvy marketers to get us to take action when most of the time doing nothing is the best course to take.<br> Listen to the Podcast Here<br> Recently I fell prey to one of these “buy now” messages and made a really poor money choice. Two weeks ago, I was in Charlotte working on a project when an e-mail arrived announcing the closing of registration for a $2,000 training program. It was a program I really wanted to take (I’m a sucker for learning), but I’d already determined I didn’t have the time or the budget this year. The e-mail offer included extra valuable resources if I registered before the deadline. I fell for it. In the middle of my meeting, while focused on the task at hand, I clicked on the link and bought it. What a sucker.<br> Later that night, as I was driving home from the airport, I literally pulled over on the freeway and requested a refund.<br> In this episode, I outline 3 habits that will help you (and me!!!) make smarter money choices. They are simple and organized around the acronym R.A.W. Think R.A.W.<br> Plan Well Segment<br> “We no longer live life. We consume it.” Vicki Robin<br> The next time you feel the pull of a marketing message, remember R.A.W.<br> <br> * Remember to review your 1-year financial priorities every week.  This will keep your “why” top of mind.<br> * Avoid marketing messages. Don’t browse in stores or online, unsubscribe from sales e-mails.<br> * Work your plan. Have a plan for how you make money decisions and stick to it. It can save you.<br> <br> Invest Wisely Segment<br> Economist Paul Samuelson reminds us, “investing should be more like watching paint dry or grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas or Wall Street.”<br> The next time you feel the urge to react to market news, remember R.A.W.<br> <br> * Remember why you are investing. Your purpose for investing should drive your decisions.<br> * Avoid market messages. Financial media does not help you invest wisely. Avoid it.<br> * Work your investment plan.  Have an investment plan based on facts and stick to it. It can save you.<br> <br> Want Free Checklists to Help You Make Smarter Money Choices?<br> [button_2 color=”red” align=”center” href=”http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001OnAlV3LQEP8i7FmDMrpdB76D44HljNvPpMunBEgDFHSKrK9vKHCIuPrI-5FH2k5LPP10DP7xy6crFnn2m4J-t3lhQWmMhh7SWgsMu4vju3JWagJHNtfTEJlsWMzhM2PvvggNRX7imClOmQefaXpdhSCy5TKJ8F-_” new_window=”Y”]Get Them Here[/button_2]<br>  <br> [spoiler]<br> The Retirement Answer Man Episode #41<br> Hey! I got the music right! I was worried with all the logistics of this after taking a week off for Thanksgiving. Well, welcome! My name is Roger Whitney. I am the Retirement Answer Man. I’m so glad you joined me today.<br> This is the show dedicated to helping you find that balance between living well today without sacrificing your tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be great to do? To maximize your life right now and still feel comfortable that tomorrow’s going to be okay. I’m telling you, if you plan well and invest wisely in your life, you can do that. I truly believe you can do that if you have good processes in place and that’s what we talk about here on this show.<br> Well, in our Plan Well segment, we’re going to talk about temptation during this holiday season and how you can work to avoid temptation, how you cannot be lead into temptation so you can plan well throughout the holiday season.<br> In our Invest Wisely segment, I’m going to give you a rallying cry. It’s going to be,