#48 Step 2 Identify and Organize Your Financial Resources

Retirement Answer Man Show show

Summary: Well, were you able to dream up your ideal retirement? It can be hard to think big, right? Hopefully, you’ve stretched yourself. No worries if you’re not finished. Keep at it and if you have questions, I’m here to help.<br> Important Note: If you haven’t listened to Step 1, it’s best to start there. <a href="http://www.rogerwhitney.com/48/" target="_blank">Here’s the link</a>.<br> This week, you’ll focus on identifying and organizing your financial resources. In this step you’ll create a clear snapshot of your current financial situation. This is a critical step. Don’t get bogged down in getting every number right. You can fine tune things later on. Just focus on getting a read on your current financial picture.<br> For some, this can be hard to look at. If that’s you, please relax. We’ve all walked a similar road (including me!). If you’ve made mistakes (maybe BIG mistakes), forgive yourself. The fact that you’re here proves you’re working to create the best life you can.<br> Here’s Your Action Items for This Week:<br> <br> * Make sure to listen to the episode. There are a number of subtle points made that will help you as you plan. For example, Carl made an important statement early in our talk. He said, “Retirement planning should be about running to something, rather than running away from something.”<br> * Review Carl’s cash flow summary and net worth statement. This will give you a snapshot of what the end result can look like.<br> * Watch the short video. In it, I give quick tips on how to think BIG about your retirement.<br> * Complete these worksheets. It might take a little homework to get the estimated value of your social security, pension, assets and liabilities. It’s worth the effort. Your net worth statement will be the key document you use to track your financial life.<br> <br> <br> <br> * Estimate future retirement income sources<br> * Build your net worth statement<br> * Manage your current lifestyle and cash flow<br> <br> <br> <br> * Finally, ask questions. If you’re stuck or unclear about something, shoot me an e-mail. I’ll do my best to answer your questions. Simply <a href="http://www.rogerwhitney.com/retirementanswers/" target="_blank">click here </a>and ask your questions.<br> <br> In week 3, we’ll discuss some of the financial risks during retirement and ways to decide what to do about them.<br> Want Access to the Free Resources to Plan Along Side Carl?<br> It’s Not Too Late to Create Your Ideal Retirement<br> Sign up (upper right of this page) and receive weekly e-mails with all the resources we’ve covered.<br>  <br> [spoiler]<br> The Retirement Answer Man Episode #48<br> Well, welcome to the Retirement Answer Man Show. My name is Roger Whitney and this is the show dedicated to helping you dream, plan, and live your ideal retirement. Each week, we focus on helping you, equipping you, to be able to do those things, and this is Part 2 of our special January series of “Can Carl Retire?”<br> If you’ve joined us of the last week or so, you realize that we are creating an actual retirement plan for a fellow listener. We’re calling him Carl. Carl and I don’t know each other, other than working on this together. Last week, we had our step one on dreaming up Carl’s ideal retirement.<br> This week, we’re going to focus on identifying and organizing his financial resources – what he has to be able to achieve these retirement dreams that he created in last week’s episode. Now, we’re going to plan for Carl throughout the month, ending in a webinar on January 30th where we will present Carl’s plan to him, and you’ll be able to watch as we stress test that plan against common fears like inflation or bad markets or a long-term care event, and you’ll be able to hear along with Carl how his plan was put togethe...