Episode 29: With Kathy Strain

SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot show

Summary: <br> Mark and Seth sat down with Kathy Strain for a discussion of her book, Giants, Cannibals and Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture, and much more. How much more? The rim fire, Kathy's deep, deep, deep involvement in a shadowy government conspiracy to cover up Bigfoot, her experiences in the North American Wood Ape Conservancy's study area (Area X) and her opinions on the state of the European Mandate to Outlaw Socks. <br> Disclaimer: to the best of our knowledge there is no "European Mandate to Outlaw Socks" and if there was we'd never discuss it because we'd be too busy covering it up like the dead Bigfoots we know were killed during the rim fire...<br> You can find Kathy's book at Hancock House.com or through various, shady book sellers on Amazon. Except the guy who sold me my copy and the dude selling the copy on eBay for $300, named SBreedlove. He seems reputable...<br> Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat<br> Download the show at... iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/saswhat-podcast-about-bigfoot/id889714608?mt=2<br> or Stitcher http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot<br> If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.<br> Thanks for listening! <br>