Episode 83: Talking Swamp Stalkers with Dr. David Floyd

SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot show

Summary: Mark and Seth return, this week, with Dr. David Floyd. David has been on the show a couple times before but this time they take an in-depth look at the long and fabled history of mysterious creature sightings in swamps around the U.S. They also discuss folklore, local legends and true stories of swamp dwellers, and, of course Bigfoot sightings inside swampy locales. That's a lot of swamp!<br> <br><br>More about David: <span style="font-size: large;">David Floyd earned his PhD from the University of Stirling. He is the author of <em>Street Urchins, Degenerates, and Sociopaths: Orphans of Late-Victorian and Edwardian<br> Fiction.</em> (University of Wales Press) and has delivered papers on Gothic and Medieval literature<br> in the U.S., England and Scotland. More recently, his research has focused on 19th<br> century imperial discourse and the construction of identities, the development of<br> 19th century psychological theory, changing perspectives of the family in Victorian<br> culture and African history.<br> <br></span><br> <p>Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat or find us on Twitter @saswhatshow<br> </p><br> <br> <p>Download the show at... iTunes </p><br> <br> <p><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/saswhat-podcast-about-bigfoot/id889714608?mt=2"><font color="#0088cc"><span lang="en" xml:lang="en">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/saswhat-podcast-about-bigfoot/id889714608?mt=2</span></font></a><font><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"></span></font></p><font><br> </font><br> <p><font> or Stitcher </font><a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot"><font color="#0088cc"><span lang="en" xml:lang="en">http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot</span></font></a></p><br> <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot"><br> </a><br> <p><a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/saswhat-a-podcast-about-bigfoot"><font color="#0088cc">We'd also like to welcome our new listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks.</font></a></p><br> <br> <p>If you liked the show please feel free to leave us a rating/review on<br> iTunes OR Stitcher. Please don't forget to visit our site at <br> SasWhat.com and send all your complaints or praises or topics of <br> interest to saswhatmail@gmail.com.</p><br> <br> <p>Thanks for listening! </p><br> <br>