Episode 95: Sasquatch and the Unseen Tribes

SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot show

Summary: Mark and Seth are back to talk about the hidden, giant peoples of the north! That's right, we're finally broaching the subject of giant skeletons, giant, hairy people and the unseen tribes of the world. Learn the true origins of the word "Sasquatch", Mark's opinion on the Cavs, Seth meets baby spiders and much more!<br> <br><p>Don't forget to visit SasWhat.com or facebook.com/saswhat or find us on Twitter @saswhatshow</p><br> <br> <p>Download the show at...iTunes or Stitcher</p><br> <br> <p>We'd also like to welcome our listeners at WCR 97.1 FM in Ohio! Thanks for listening, folks!</p><br> <br> <p>Ratings/reviews on iTunes or Stitcher are always appreciated...</p><br> <br> <p>Write us at <a href="mailto:saswhatmail@gmail.com">saswhatmail@gmail.com</a> </p><br> <br> <p>Thanks for listening!</p><br> <br>