Episode 03 - Who's sticking who?

The Paliament Hillbillies show

Summary: Topics Covered: Seal Hunt: Premier Williams vs Paul McCarney: "I've got a word or two, to say about the things that you do." Emerson Lives On: Ethics commissioner launches investigation to PMO's public chagrin, Alex reveals what the P stands for in MP, 28 and a half Helens agree: Emerson should face byelection. Weapons of Past Restriction: The Supreme Court overturns ban on the Sikh Kirpan in public schools, Kirpans are daggers in name only. Patent Fever: Justice Rothstein gets the nod while we revisit his ruling on patenting living organisms, RIM pays up to NTP. Provincial Jurisdiction: Premier Klein keeps peddling his healthcare vision, Ontario fesses up to a coming energy crisis. Other Random Rants: Crash scoops Best Picture, Liberal leadership potentials mastermind their sinister plots to power. Relevant Links: Williams, McCartneys on Larry King Don't touch the seals, Paul Supreme Court ruling on Kirpans Ethics commisioner to look at floor crossing Emerson's mock byelection Geist on Rothstein Klein's third way health-care RIM and NTP settle Potential Liberal leadership candidates test waters Ontario's "Our Energy, Our Future" [pdf]