#37: "This is the Last Thing I'm Going to Say About Jason Whitlock." (October 18 2015)

PostBourgie show

Summary: We were originally planning to have Deadspin’s Greg Howard on the podcast to talk about race and sports journalism — with our peg being the series of articles he wrote about the woes of The Undefeated, the troubled, much-delayed race, culture and sports site from ESPN helmed by Jason Whitlock. Whitlock had been one of the most famous and controversial sportswriters in America, having built his polarizing career on his essays connecting sports to the evils of black pathology. He could be petty and ugly, like when he wrote that Serena Williams would never be an all-time great because she was fat and lazy ("[S]eriously, how else can Serena fill out her size 16 shorts without grazing at her stall between matches?" he wrote). And he could be simplistic and scolding, as in diatribes about the evils inherent to female basketball players dunking or black people's use of the word "nigger.") Howard’s articles argue that the enmity Whitlock earned from black journos and writers for this schtick made it nearly...  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>