A Picture to Remember

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: Allison was thoughtful as her family arrived home after church. There had been a communion service that morning, and she had some questions. "I know when we take communion it reminds us of Jesus' death--and we're supposed to do it until He comes back and takes us to heaven," she said. "But will we take communion when we get to heaven, too?" Dad shook his head. "No, Allison. Not in heaven," he replied. "Why not?" asked Allison. "I don't understand." "Well . . ." Dad thought for a minute, then pointed to a picture on the piano. "Before Uncle Doug and Aunt Laura left to be missionaries in Africa, they had that picture taken. It reminds us to pray for them while they're gone--while they're at work telling people about Jesus." Allison nodded. "Remember when they were home on furlough last summer? They spent a couple of weeks with us just when all our rose bushes were blooming," Dad continued. "Mom picked so many for the house, we had vases of roses everywhere we looked." Allison laughed. "I remember! We cleared off all the tables to make room for flowers. We even put Uncle Doug and Aunt Laura's picture away for a while because we needed the space on the piano for another bouquet." "Yes," said Dad. "Do you think they minded?" "No," Allison replied. "It didn't matter then because they were here in person. That's better than a picture anyway!" "Exactly! Think of the communion service as a picture of what Jesus did for us. The bread and the juice are symbols, reminding us that He suffered and died to pay the penalty for our sins," Dad explained. "But the time will come when we don't need that picture anymore." Allison nodded. "Like . . . when Uncle Doug and Aunt Laura were here in person, we didn't really need their picture to remind us of them. And when we're in heaven with Jesus, we won't need the picture communion gives to remind us of Him," she said thoughtfully. "We'll be with Jesus Himself, in person. We'll have the real thing, not just a picture!" "You've got it!" exclaimed Dad. How About You? Do you take part in the communion service? Before you do, it's important to know what it means. Talk about it with your parents, your Sunday school teacher, or your pastor. They'll help you understand. When you do participate, do so with thanksgiving, joyfully looking forward to the time when the picture of what Jesus did for you won't be needed anymore because you'll be seeing Him face to face in heaven. Today's Key Verse: As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26) Today's Key Thought: Communion is a picture of Jesus' sacrifice