BernieBros and BernieSisters Were Right: Clinton is No Progressive.

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: Remember a couple of months ago when Hillary was calling herself a progressive? Now she’s trying to get conservative support at the “grassroots.” Time makes fools of us all--but especially the liberal hacks, who were fully on the Clinton Progressive Train, and are now silent about her rightward tack. <br><br>And a new Department of Justice Inspector General report finds that private prisons are less safe and less secure than their government-run counterparts. We speak with activist and author James Kilgore on the problems with for-profit incarceration and the broader social ill of mass incarceration.<br><br>Finally, the Two Sams discuss the latest report on intelligence doctoring to paint the war against the Islamic State in a more positive light. This time, the investigation came from Congress. And, it’s Friday, so we throw someone in the Garbage Can.