T.P.P. is Dead, But Keep the Champagne on Ice

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: Hillary Clinton addressed the fringe, internet-based ideology known as the “Alt-Right” in a speech Thursday, but does she run the risk of actually promoting the group’s retrograde ideology? Also, by attaching Trump to the Alt-Right, Clinton may actually be giving cover to traditional Republicans who’ve also peddled the same garbage.<br><br>Also, the TPP looks dead! For now. We talk about what Mitch McConnell said on Thursday about the agreement and the Lame Duck Session.<br><br>Then, Conservative Review’s Brian Darling joins us to make the argument that Trump is actually running for president, and not just positioning himself to launch a media enterprise or fatten his bank account. We’ll see about that. <br><br>And finally, what better use of newly-unfrozen waters in fragile arctic territory than a luxury cruise? We talk about the opening of the Northwest Passage, in the Sludge Report. Then, it’s Friday, so we throw someone in the garbage can.