Pence Hates Gambling Industry, Loves Taking Their Money

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: Following last weekend’s New York Times report on Trump’s tax returns, the GOP should be feeling regret for nominating another guy who wants to run the government like a business, but has done a really crummy job at running his own business.<br><br>The court system rules in favor of Defense Department secrecy that harkens back to Ronald Reagan’s Dirty Wars in Central America. We’ll explain in a Classified Session.<br><br>Also, got some news about former President Bill Clinton. He made some comments that are actually good and correct, but that will undoubtedly give his wife more headaches on the campaign trail. Not the first time, not probably not the last time. <br><br>And with the vice presidential debate in the bag, we take a look at the longview, and how Mike Pence has had a long history of flouting pay-to-pay laws, that calls into question his integrity--and his cred as a social conservative. Andrew Perez, an investigative reporter from joins us to explain.