163: Oddball Comedy Fest, Isalab, Beach Yoga, and YOUR Questions

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

Summary: <a href="https://solopreneurhour.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/yoga.jpg"></a>On this episode of The Solopreneur Hour, we talk about the great weekend I had in Orange County at the Oddball Comedy Festival, with Louis C.K., Aziz Ansari, Bill Burr, Marc Maron, and two VERY special guests. We also chat about the latest in Isalab, and then get to your questions! More About This Show For those of you who have listened to this show before, you know my story and how transformative the loss of my parents has been for me and for my life. And today marks the anniversary of the loss of my mom. It's a weird, bittersweet day for me because it's also Dexter's birthday. So today I celebrate the loyalty and love of Dexter, who has been through every up and down with me over the last 8 years and I also remember my mom who passed away 7 years ago today. In this episode, I also give you an update on IsaLab. You've probably heard me talk about Isagenix and network marketing. Isagenix is a company I belong to, and in general, I'm a big proponent of direct sales. I think it's a great industry, especially for anyone who wants to be a solopreneur but doesn't have the business idea of their own. Whether you have an interest in the biz side of things or just the products (Isagenix is a whole food nutrition company), I'm launching Isalab soon and I fill you in on the latest in this episode. Reach out and let me know you're interested <a href="http://solohour.com/contact" target="_blank">here</a>. And last, but certainly NOT least, I answer your questions! We had some wonky issues with iTunes last week so we moved Friday's Q&amp;A to Monday. If you want to get in on the action, look for my post on Tuesday or Wednesday of the week on <a href="http://solohour.com/group" target="_blank">The Proudly Unemployable Facebook group</a>. Let's check 'em out! Paul Smart  I have a question for you Michael and wanted to get in early. You are a social media ninja and I was wondering what are your thoughts on Snapchat as a marketing tool? Particularly for a winery? I asked Gary Vaynerchuk and he answered, but I don't really agree with all he had to say. I want a second opinion. The <a href="http://youtu.be/vHzWqF50rIE?t=1m10s%E2%80%A8" target="_blank">Gary Vee video</a>, time stamped. Bob Trowbridge  Hey, Michael... Being a fellow drummer, I wonder who you think are the 3 best (living) drummers? 
Paul Smart  Favourite ice cream? 
Sonia Rodriguez  Hey Michael, I just found your podcast and I'm loving it so far...already making different and exciting decisions! I've decided that I need to change my logo but I also need to update my website (I'm a celebrity makeup artist and founder of a bridal makeup agency). The websites are obviously very important and I would have to invest in the designs as well as in the production of new images. In your opinion, does it make more sense to allocate funds towards the logo and branding first? It seems as though this will take a while if I am looking for someone to create something that can really grow and evolve with me. Both of these projects seem like huge undertakings...where do I start? Sean Ackerman  Michael, what is the best "go ahead" way that you've "um" found to "go ahead" get rid of habitual or repetitious comfort phrases? Sean - You Leading You ( lol!) Brent Danis  How do you feel after Thursday night's Steelers game? And I'm heading to my Alma Mater this fall for a speaking event centered around my book, do I film it to send to other event coordinators to help land other speaking gigs? P.S. SoloLab kicks ass! Alison Ginsburg Sokoloff  Would love to hear tips and tricks for using Google Hangouts - what's the best way to set it up? Browser recommendations? Audio? Etiquette, etc. Especially self-serving since I couldn't get on this past Thursday's call.... 

Lara Loest  What's your favorite childhood memory? If that's too general pick a holiday-related one.