167: Learn How To Get “In The Flow” & Be Super Productive with Andy Murphy

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

Summary: <a href="https://solopreneurhour.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/focus-and-concentration.gif"></a>What is the flow state and can anyone get into it? How does being in it help solopreneurs like us? Over the last year or so, I've heard the phrase "in the flow" over and over again...but always wondered how to GET in the flow. With this show, we dig into exactly how to reach that elevated level of focus and consciousness.  Our friend and previous co-host Andy Murphy is back to tell us how to get into the flow, what it actually means to be in the flow and why we want to be there..and a whole lot more on episode 167 of The Solopreneur Hour. More About This Show For those of you new to the show or if you simply missed Andy's first episode, check it out here. I loved talking with him the first time and couldn't wait to have him back. He's a defacto neuropsychological expert who admits to "nerding out" on the science side of how and why we do what we do. It's always a fascinating conversation when talking with him on any topic, but especially on neuro-related topics. Our conversation for today's show runs the gamut from car racing and sugar addiction to brain wave patterns to our main focus: the aforementioned flow state. He shares with us some of the background and connection between being in the flow and being productive. He has rituals and habits he has created to get himself into the flow easier and to get more done as efficiently as possible. But before sharing that ritual with you, Andy tells us what exactly is the flow state. He says being in the flow is being present and laser-focused on what you're doing, without what you're doing being forced. And he says there's a trick to getting there, it doesn't happen all at once but in steps and stages. The key to moving through those steps and stages into the state of flow is being aware of yourself: your body, your mind and your surroundings. The finer details of the show include: * How to build unconscious repetoire: an example. * Open loop: what is it and how do you use it? * The primal urge behind our need to feel the need connected at all times. * Where to put your phone the next time you need to focus: Andy's trick. * How Andy breaks down his day for maximum productivity. * One trick to creating amazing experiences in nearly every day of your life. Once you have that awareness, there are a few things to keep in mind so you can stay fully focused when you're there. Turn off notifications on your computer and your phone. In fact, put your phone where you can't see it and you won't be tempted to check it. Andy puts his in another room and he says he gets more done because of this. He also organizes everything via his calendar; he schedules his down time, his work time, and he gives us a full breakdown on what he does each day including his morning routine. Now that your distractions are minimized, Andy gives us these steps to getting into and out of the flow state. Your objective with this set of steps is to go in and out as needed. The more often you practice doing this, the faster and easier it will be to get in and out of the flow. * Get an app to get your brain into the beta waves. Beta waves are the frequency where you are most productive. There's a link to the app Andy uses in the show notes. If you choose a different app, you'll want something with binaurial beats so you can set your brain to the proper beta brainwaves patterns. * Meditate for a bit with your app. Andy does this for about 5 minutes so you don't need a ton of time, just a few minutes to get into beta wave territory and then move on to the next step. * Have a to-do list. Have your list ready to go with items you need to do in that period of time you're going into your flow state. Create weekly goals, monthly goals and 90 day goals to work towards, then write down the things you need to do to make those goals happen. Once you have your tasks ready,