Ep. 27 - What's Up in Canada - GovEx Data Points

GovEx Data Points show

Summary: Data use is exploding across governments not only in the US, but around the world as well. To dive deeper into the international waters, Data Points is hosting a series of discussions focusing on data use outside the US. We'll be talking with practioners and policy makers from around the world about how data use is changing in their locations and how they relate to changes in the US.<br> <br> --<br> <br> Despite our close proximity, the US and Canada are not always sharing our best practices when it comes to data. This week's episode hopes to start reversing that trend through a conversation with <a href="https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jeannoelandry">Jean-Noé Landry</a>, Executive Director of <a href="http://www.opennorth.ca/">Open North</a>. Open North is Montreal-based Canadian nonprofit that helps governments become more transparent, accountable, and responsive in the digital age. Open North works with cities and other governments across Canada and partners with organizations around the world to improve data use and outcomes for communities.<br> <br> In addition to his work in Canada, Jean-Noé also has extensive experience from over the world including work in Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Afghanistan, the West Bank, Kenya, and more recently in Algeria, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Morocco. Through his work, Jean-Noé has consistently focused on openness in government, using policy to improve outcomes, and strategic use of data. Our conversation with him covered a variety of topics, including how partnerships between the US and Canada can help both countries improve data use in government.<br> <br> To find out more on what's happening in Canada and at Open North, check out <a href="http://www.opennorth.ca/">http://www.opennorth.ca/</a>.<br> Like Data? Listen and Get in Touch<br> You can find updates to the podcast in several ways.<br> <br> * Look for us on iTunes as GovEx Data Points<br> * Find up-to-date episodes on our website at <a href="http://govex.jhu.edu/podcast">http://govex.jhu.edu/podcast</a><br> <br> Get in touch with us and let us know what you want to hear, suggest potential episodes, and give us feedback on how the podcast is going. You can contact us on Twitter at <a href="https://twitter.com/gov_ex">Gov_Ex</a> or reach out via our website at <a href="https://govex.jhu.edu/contact/">govex.jhu.edu/contact</a>.