Screwed: How The US Electoral System is Rigged to Prevent Democracy

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's special episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker talks about the rigged political system in the United States. Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton by 22% in New Hampshire but did not receive more delegates than Clinton because of the role of the establishment's "super-delegates." Why are there "super-delegates" anyway?<br><br>With eyes on the Democratic caucus in Nevada and Republican primary taking place is South Carolina tomorrow evening, Becker is joined by Kevin Akin, the Secretary of California's Peace &amp; Freedom Party, and Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News.<br><br>During the one-hour roundtable, they discuss how the electoral system is deliberately structured to stop third party candidates, how the US political system is unusually undemocratic, how independent candidates are excluded from televised debates, exactly how politicians can lose the popular vote and still win the nomination and the election. They also discuss how George W. Bush lost the 2000 election and yet took the White House, the systematic disenfranchisement of Black voters, efforts to suppress voter turnout, why the Electoral College still exists and prevents the direct election of the President and the impact of big money after the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision .