Casino Democracy: Clinton's Lucky Ace Helps Her Win Nevada Caucus

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Gloria La Riva, 2016 Presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and Stewart Alexander, the 2012 Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party USA, to assess the results of Saturday's Republican primary in South Carolina and Democratic caucus in Nevada.<br><br>Hillary Clinton's victory over Bernie Sanders in Nevada was helped by a tie breaker in one precinct where a lucky ace was drawn from a deck of cards. Her victory by just four delegates was hailed in the mainstream media as a "big" win despite the close result and the fact that Sanders was down by 25 points in the polls just five weeks ago.<br><br>Donald Trump scored a major victory on the Republican side, winning South Carolina by ten percentage points over Marco Rubio. Trump's win came after he made some of his most Islamophobic comments to date at a campaign rally on Friday, also referring to waterboarding as "barely torture." <br><br>Alexander and La Riva address what has contributed to the rise of Donald Trump, whether or not Sanders will actually go after Wall Street, how his campaign is similar and different to Obama's 2008 presidential run, and what the role of both Sanders and social movements can be in the revival of socialism in the United States.