Guantanamo: America's "Concentration Camp"

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Jeremy Varon, an activist with Witness Against Torture, to talk about why<br>14 years after the first detainee arrived at the Guantanamo Bay, the prison camp remains open. With Republican presidential candidates calling on President Obama to open Guantanamo to new detainees, what happened to Obama's promise to close the torture center?<br><br>It’s been five years today since the Tohoku earthquake that triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster one day later. But what is life like now for those affected by the disaster? And is the United States prepared for a similar situation if it were to occur here? We are joined by Damon Moglen, the senior strategic advisor at Friends of the Earth.<br><br>Today marks two years since Crimea declared independence from Ukraine. Just days later, voters<br>went to the polls in a referendum in which 96.7 percent voted to join Russia. Western powers continue to say Crimea is part of Ukraine and was annexed by Russia. But what was really behind the declaration of independence? Joining Becker to discuss this issue is Ray McGovern, former CIA official and political activist.