Brazil: There Is A Coup Underway.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today’s episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker discusses the rising tensions in Brazil as the country’s largest party breaks away from President Dilma Rousseff’s coalition, paving the way for impeachment. Writer and analyst Kim Ives joins Becker to discuss the polarization that is growing with protests continuing on both sides of the political divide. Who are the forces who want Dilma out of office?<br><br>The U.S. Department of Justice has dropped its case against Apple after it said it had successfully unlocked the phone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters. We’ll speak to technology journalist Declan McCullagh to take a look at just how secure your iPhone actually is.<br><br>Palestinians commemorate Land Day today, which marks the 1976 killing of six unarmed Arab civilians by Israeli authorities. 40 years on, could there be a new Intifada brewing in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel? Becker speaks with renowned author and professor Dr. Norman Finkelstein.