Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Turkish journalist Kemal Okuyan to discuss the move by the European Union to begin deporting refugees back to Turkey this week. The news has been met with widespread criticism from human rights organizations, but the EU has said that the deportations will intensify. Is the EU ignoring Turkey's rights abuses in a desperate attempt to get rid of refugees?<br> <br>Have Iran and the United States formed an unlikely alliance in Iraq? As the fight against the so-called Islamic State wages on in Iraq, both Tehran and Washington reportedly staved off an attempt to unseat the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi last week. Becker is joined by Massoud Shadjerah of the Islamic Human Rights Commission to discuss the news.<br><br>EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is still defending her agency’s conduct during the Flint Water Crisis. While buck passing continues will anyone ever be held accountable for poisoning a city? Jennifer Chavez, staff attorney at EarthJustice, talks to Becker about the ongoing crisis.