More Boots On The Ground: Obama Sends Troops To Syria, But What's the Mission?

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by political analyst Issa Chaer of the Syrian Solidarity Movement to discuss President Obama's announcement that 250 U.S. special operations forces will be sent to Syria. What’s the game plan of the U.S in Syria five years after the start of the war?<br><br>Bernie Sanders' support grows in national polls but today's primaries might tell a different story. On the Republican side, Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich have teamed up to try to deny Donald Trump delegates and force a contested convention. Journalist Sam Sacks joins Becker to talk about today's primaries, why the right-wing Koch brothers might support Hillary instead of the Republican candidate and whether Sanders supporters will move into Clinton's camp should she prevail.<br><br>$400 billion down the Pentagon's spending rathole! The Senate armed services committee is holding hearings today on the massively over-budget and much delayed F-35 fighter program. The F-35 program has faced much criticism and is facing further overruns in time and cost. Is there a line at which this project could be scrapped? Is it a sign that the military industrial complex is out of control? Pierre Sprey, one of the designers of the F-16, talks to Becker about the program.