TTIP Revealed: Will Greenpeace Leak Stop World's Largest Free Trade Agreement?

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker looks at the release by environmental campaigner GreenPeace of significant sections of a document detailing the ongoing negotiations around the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Becker is joined by Margaret Flowers, co-founder of Popular Resistance, and Eugene Puryear, Sputnik News analyst to discuss whether the revelations can sink the world's largest free-trade deal. <br><br>Yesterday marked the second anniversary of the massacre in Odessa, Ukraine of anti-fascist activists who were burned alive in the trade union headquarters building. Familiy members of those killed were joined by international activists for a memorial that included thousands of people who braved threats from extreme right wing organizations. Joining Becker to discuss the massacre and if those responsible will ever be held to account is Phil Wilayto of the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) delegation in Odessa.<br><br>A poll shows that opponents of Britain’s European Union membership have moved ahead, with the Leave vote now up by two percent. The poll was conducted days after President Obama visited the UK and strongly urged the country to remain in the EU. Did Obama’s words backfire? Becker is joined by Alex Gordon, the former President of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union and member of Left Leave, to discuss why he feels Britain's workers would be better outside of the EU.