Trump Trumps Cruz to take GOP Nomination. Sanders Upsets Clinton Once Again.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by journalist and political analyst Sam Sacks to discuss the victory of Donald Trump and Bernie sanders in the Indiana primaries. Now that Ted Cruz has dropped out is it a lock for Trump? Is there a path to victory left for Bernie Sanders? <br><br>A new poll shows that over half of Americans think the primary system is rigged, and over two thirds believe it should be done away with all together. Just how undemocratic is the electoral system in the United States? Becker is joined by journalist and political activist Richard Winger of Ballot Access News to talk about what these new poll numbers mean. <br><br>Could a former CIA spy be going to prison in Italy? One of the Agency’s former operatives is due to be handed over by Portugal to Italy, where she was convicted of participating in the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program. But is the convicted agent merely a scapegoat? Will U.S. officials who ordered the program ever be held accountable? Former CIA analyst John Kiriakou, who went to prison for exposing the CIA torture program, joins Becker to talk about the extradition.