Brazil Impeachment Annulled: Will Dilma Survive The Coup Against Her Government?

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker discusses if Dilma Rousseff survived the slow motion coup against her government after the impeachment process against her was annulled by the lower House of the Senate. He is joined by Brazilian-British journalist and activist Victor Fraga to discuss what comes next for Dilma, the Workers Party, and a polarized country?<br><br>Greece’s Parliament passed its harshest austerity measures yet yesterday as Eurozone finance ministers gathered to finally take up the issue of debt relief for Greece. But will Greece’s creditors demand even more cuts from the country’s government? Becker is joined by by economist and investment analyst Patrick Young.<br><br>Journalist and author Greg Palast joins us to discuss how the Obama administration created an “echo chamber” in the mainstream, alternative and social media? According to the New York Times, Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief communications adviser admits that he was responsible for creating that echo chamber and getting the media in line with Obama’s foreign policy.