Does The U.S. Seek Peace In Syria Or To Divide Syria Into Pieces.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: Russia and the United States chaired a meeting of the International Syria Support Group in Vienna yesterday but is the US planning the permanent division of Syria as part of it's so-called Plan B. Becker is joined from by Massoud Shadjareh, the founder of the Islamic Human Rights Commission.<br><br>NATO military exercises kicked off in Poland yesterday involving more than 1,500 troops. This comes as the Polish Defense Minister has insisted on a permanent military presence along NATO’s eastern flank that the country will reportedly call for during July’s NATO Summit in Warsaw. Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute For Peace and Prosperity joins Becker to discuss the importance of these war exercises. <br><br>It could be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump going head to head in November’s presidential election, but scandals continue to chase both of them.What does the fact that the two presumptive presidential nominees for both major parties are plagued by corruption allegations, a shared corporate address to avoid taxes and possible criminal charges say about the American political system? Kevin Akin, Secretary of California's Peace &amp; Freedom Party, and author Eugene Puryear join Becker to discuss corruption in high places.