Turkey Prepares To Imprison Kurdish Members Of Parliament.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by activist Kani Xulam, director of the Kurdish American Information Network, to discuss Turkey’s Parliament holding the second round of voting today on a bill that would strip its members of immunity. The bill was proposed by President Erdogan’s AK Party, but is it simply a way to crack down on independent parties and Kurdish members of the Parliament?<br><br>President Obama touches down in Vietnam on Sunday. Millions of Vietnamese died in the war with the United States that ended forty years ago. But now the US wants to sell arms to Vietnam. Is the main motivation for Obama’s visit to boost cooperation with Vietnam against China? And will that work? Political analyst Eric Draitser joins Becker to discuss Obama's upcoming visit.<br><br>The Pentagon says that Chinese jets intercepted a U.S. spy plane this week over the South China Sea. This came as a Pentagon report about the development of the Chinese military has been slammed by Beijing as based on an “outdated Cold War mentality.” What’s in the report, and will the South China Sea Dispute intensify? Becker is joined by journalist Mark Sleboda.